Documenting family life's hectic beauty, one vibe at a time.

They grow up so fast, don’t they? One day you’re changing diapers, the next they're building blanket forts, painting masterpieces on the wall, and telling wildly imaginative stories. Let me capture those fleeting moments, the real and sometimes chaotic beauty of your family – mud pies, tantrums, bedtime snuggles, and all.

Most of the time it’s unconditional love and cuddles and unbridled affection. And let’s face it, it’s pretty funny. That 10-year-old golden retriever who’s the sweetest dog in the world? A terrifying beast when she’s twice their size and runs to them to give them a lick. Dirt? The most delicious appetiser ever, just before the candy they’re not supposed to be eating. The potty training missions? A small step for mankind, a giant leap for them.

But it’s also guerrilla warfare. It’s chasing them down to convince them to have that last bite. Or negotiating sleep time. Or them learning how to push your buttons just right and test your boundaries to the breaking point. And that’s fine too because it’s part of growing up.

I believe it’s about them, not us. It’s about that special, unique dynamic of your family. And don’t get me wrong, for thousands of years the main idea has been the same, but each family has tackled it differently, as best they could.

Give it about 30 years to become meaningful. Give them a chance to see what their childhood was honestly like.

And yes, I was a kid too. I would have photographed my own childhood differently, but these are memories I cherish.

I believe family photos, like good wine, must age. I want to document your family's vibes and moments as they happen. Nothing scripted, nothing posed. Just a normal day in your life. It’s not about good or bad, or everyone being on their best behaviour. Documentary family photography is about capturing the in-between moments, the real life and all its joy, love, frustration, curiosity, the zoomies or the quiet moments. I genuinely believe that’s where the everlasting magic happens. It’s a day, frozen in time, as it really happened. Laughs, tears, playtime, tantrums. I’ve seen it all. And I would love to see a slice of your own life and get a chance to show that to your children in the future.

All you need to do is trust me and be yourselves. Don’t worry about the photographer, don’t prepare, don’t overthink it. This is not a portrait session. No prior make-up required, nothing you need to do to prepare.

Just trust me enough to let me in and go about your daily life. It might feel normal to you, but I promise you you’re unique. I photographed single mothers with two children. And it was

quiet and affectionate and loving. I photographed three sisters, with 7 children, the husbands, and the grandparents. And it was mad and loud and loving.

I captured family vibes in the UK, Switzerland, France and Romania and I did it responsibly.


I'm a professional photographer with more than 20 years of experience in different areas: photojournalism, wedding, family and event photography, commercial photography and personal branding sessions.
I'm also an instructor and volunteer paramedic / first aid trainer.

more about me
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Fearless Photographers awarded photographer and competition judge
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Ready to start documenting your family? Let's connect!

Because I photograph a limited number of families each year, I encourage you to reach out as soon as possible to secure your date.

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