Guidance, Support, and Mentoring for Photographers – Wherever You Are In Your Journey

Hi, I'm Vlad. From my first borrowed film camera at 16, my journey has been full of highs, lows, and invaluable lessons about the craft. 

Seeing powerful photojournalism early on shaped my whole approach. Then, a great mentor believed in me – even when I was rough around the edges – and gave me those crucial first opportunities. This showed me the transformative power of mentorship and that's why I believe in paying it forward.

I hope I can support you in your growth as a photographer.

20+ years of experience

I have beeen a professional photographer for more than 20 years, so I understand the importance of receiving unbiased feedback. My background as a press photographer, photo editor, event and family photographer has given me the knowledge and expertise to help you take your craft to the next level.

As a graduate of the Foundation Workshops and regular photo competition judge, I have a unique perspective on the industry and an understanding of what it takes to create award-winning photography.


I believe that personal and professional development should be the ultimate goal for any

photographer. I get it – photography isn't always a smooth road. Burnout, creative blocks, the ever-nagging voice asking if you're good enough, moving to a new country and rebuilding a business from scratch...I've been there.

I don't claim to have definitive answers or solutions that work for everyone. But I can help you find the pain points and what's holding you back right now.


Sure, we can talk gear and editing, but I’d like to go deeper with you.

Let's explore visual storytelling, refine your unique style, silence that inner critic, and navigate the freelance world with less stress and more sanity.

Technical skills are important, but mastering your mindset, work-life balance, and finding your authentic voice are just as vital for success.


In the past years as a trainer, I honed my skills in identifying educational needs, setting objectives, and delivering results. As a first aid BLS/AED instructor, I am able to apply the same level

of precision and accuracy in my mentoring sessions.

I believe that hard truths said in a compassionate way are the key to identifying your blind spots and giving you a chance to grow in new and unexpected ways.

Fearless Photographers awarded photographer and competition judge
Top Storytellers in the World This is Reportage
Fearless Photographers awarded photographer and competition judge
This is Reportage Top Photographers in the World
Fearless family Photographers Documentary Family Photography
This is Reportage Family Top Photographers in the World


I'm a professional photographer with more than 20 years of experience in different areas: photojournalism, wedding, family and event photography, commercial photography and personal branding sessions.
I'm also an instructor and volunteer paramedic / first aid trainer.

more about me



1 session x 60 minutes

Perfect for tackling a specific hurdle, getting feedback on your work, or brainstorming project ideas.


Focused development

4 sessions x 60 minutes

Great for getting clarity on your goals, refining your style, and dealing with mindset issues.


Ongoing support

8 sessions x 60 min

Want regular support? This package is ideal for staying on track, refining your artistic vision, and navigating the business side of things.



I know aspiring and growing photographers face challenges, and money can be tight. I offer a sliding scale for Vibe Instructor sessions:

Standard Rate: This reflects the value you'll get from working with me and the experience I bring to the table.

Reduced Rate: If cash is a problem, don't let it stop you from reaching out!

Pay It Forward: If you're doing well, consider adding a bit more. It helps me offer lower rates to others who need it.


(Optional) I'll only use this to message you if my email bounces

How can I help you? Portfolio review? Full wedding review? Big talks about photography? Personal motivation and growth? Something else?

Freinds? Social Media? Search engines? Magic Monkeys?